Khutulun, the Wrestler Princess of Mongolia | Episode 96

Depiction of Khutulun, Artist Unkown (please let us know if you know who did this, in the meantime, we’re still seeking the author of the work)

Depiction of Khutulun, Artist Unkown (please let us know if you know who did this, in the meantime, we’re still seeking the author of the work)

It's April Fools Day, but we're not fooling around with this week's episode. We've all heard of Ghengis Khan and his Golden Horde, but have you heard of his great-great granddaughter, Khutulun Khan? She was a master of horse riding, a skilled archer, a battle tactician, a war general, and an undefeated wrestler, whose opponents were primarily men. Her amazing accomplishments are still celebrated by Mongolian wrestlers today!

INTRO - 07:15: Why do we have April Fool’s Day? Deanna looked it up and shares her findings.

08:08 - 30:54: Hannah lightens the quarantine mood with our person of the week, Khutulun.

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Produced by Moonbounce