Gladys West, the Baddest Mathematician You've Never Heard Of | Episode 88

Portrait of Gladys West

Portrait of Gladys West

You've probably never heard of Gladys West, but without her, GPS would not look the way it does today. This woman was born on a sharecropping farm and made the decision early on not to live the rest of her life there. She worked so hard in school that she earned one of two scholarships to Virginia State University, a historically Black university. Once there, she was so good at everything that she almost couldn't decide what to do! But she chose math, because it was the most challenging thing she could think of, and the rest is, well, history. 

INTRO - 7:35: Hannah shares a fascinating story from Relationship Reddit.

8:30 - 30:20: Deanna introduces us to Gladys West, our first person of the week this African-American Heritage Month, and someone whose life work makes your every single day easier.

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Produced by Moonbounce