Good Witches, Bad Bitches

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Asian-American Women Take Flight: Katherine Cheung and Hazel Ying Lee | Episode 60

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Asian-American Women Take Flight: Katherine Cheung and Hazel Ying Lee | Episode 60 by Hosts Hannah Fergesen and Deanna Greif | Produced by Benjamin Garst

Katherine Cheung was the first Asian American woman to hold a commercial pilot's license; Hazel Ying Lee was the first Asian American woman to fly for the US military. Both women were inspired to fly when they saw planes in flight, and both women fought for recognition for their achievements long after they'd proven themselves master pilots. Both served their country when war came, despite prejudice and misogyny, and both were sincerely badass fliers. 


The full Daily Beast article about LGBT couples and birthright citizenship for their children:

Episode 47, Bessie Coleman:

INTRO - 13:40 | The Ladies talk briefly about the recent developments in the South with abortion laws and reproductive rights policy.

14:40 - 52:22 | Deanna shares the stories of two awesome people of the week, Katherine Cheung and Hazel Ying Lee.

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