Good Witches, Bad Bitches

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She Discovered White Dwarfs in the Night Sky | Episode 27

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She Discovered White Dwarfs in the Night Sky by Hosts Hannah Fergesen and Deanna Greif | Produced by Benjamin Garst 

Williamina Fleming was a Scottish maid in Boston, who began working for Edward Pickering at Harvard University as a computer, and ended up a Harvard Astronomer herself, long before women were even allowed to go to school there. She catalogued stars, named nebulae, and discovered white dwarves - years later, her discoveries were found and catalogued by the school, and she was finally given credit for her work. She was one seriously good witch.

Intro - 13:25 | Deanna and Hannah discuss 2017 trending hashtag, #thanksfortyping, why it's problematic, and the controversy in credit for female typists with ambiguous acknowledgements.

13:25 - 39:00 | Person of the week: Williamina Fleming, and find themselves exploring the gender segregation of Ivy League schools that is very much in more recent history than you would have imagined.

The extract (heh) by Sue Nelson can be found in the women in STEM anthology, A Passion For Science: Tales of Discovery and Invention, found here:

Hannah's Agent Pinterest, which includes images for Young Minerva McGonnagall:

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Produced by Moonbounce